Together with our customers we guarantee the highest quality!
Austria Bio Garantie – Landwirtschaft GmbH controls more than 13,500 agricultural businesses and Austria Bio Garantie GmbH (ABG) around 2,000 processing companies in Austria and operates internationally.
agroVet GmbH carries out around 12,000 controls and audits annually in a wide range of quality areas/ standards.
Stages of success
• 1994: Recognition of the Austria Bio Garantie by the food authorities in all federal states
• 1998: Foundation of agroVet by Dr. Matthias Grill - since 2002 a 51% subsidiary of ABG
• 1998: Accreditation by the Austrian accreditation body (ISO 17065)
• since 1998: Member of IFOAM (International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements)
• From 2001: Establishment of branches and subsidiaries for organic control in Hungary, Romania and Croatia
• 2010: 100% takeover of agroVet GmbH by ABG
• 2019: Founding of Austria Bio Garantie – Landwirtschaft GmbH as a non-profit company specifically for agricultural businesses in Austria
• Mid 2019: Entry of the ABG Group under the umbrella of EASY-CERT group AG
• 2020: Takeover of the business of BIKO Tirol (Austria and South Tyrol as well as further development of the Innsbruck location as a competence center for Tyrol and Vorarlberg)
• 2020: Establishment of the Bio Garantie control center in South Tyrol
• 2021: Carbon Standards International AG was founded in switzerland and is a strong partner for environmental and climate standards and IT tools. Carbon Standards International AG is also active in Austria since the beginning of 2024.
We support farms and companies in sustainable development and strengthening their market position. With our comprehensive range of services, we stand for quality, reliability and customer benefit.
As a member of the EASY-CERT Group, we belong to one of the largest control and certification bodies in Europe. We control and certify products made according to the principles of environmental and social sustainability and animal welfare.
We use competent, experienced employees to carry out the inspection and certification of farms as well as processing and trading companies - independently, seriously and on an equal footing with the customer. This ensures the credibility of the products and processes we test or certify.
Customer oriented
We align our activities and the range of services to the needs of our customers. We are constantly striving to increase the satisfaction of our customers - through open communication, high service, efficient control solutions, combined audits and much more.
In our daily work, we are committed to sustainable and resource-saving production systems and are committed to ethical and social issues. We strive to create a positive working environment for our motivated employees and controllers, as the controlled area requires a high level of social and professional skills.
Accreditation means formal testing and recognition by an external body. Accreditation is a confidence-building measure that guarantees the authorities, business and society that inspection or certification bodies carry out their tasks with the required high level of reliability and independence.
Austria Bio Garantie, Austria Bio Garantie - Agriculture and agroVet are accredited as certification bodies according to ISO 17065. The entire activity of the company is therefore subject to the supervision of the Austrian accreditation body (Accreditation Austria) and the national food authority as well as other monitoring bodies.
The satisfaction of our customers is very important to us, so it is also important that complaints and appeals against decisions are dealt with in a transparent appeal. If you have an appeal to an inspection or certification decision that we have carried out, please contact us.
Our customers can lodge complaints and appeals if they do not agree with the result of the inspection or with the inspections or certifications we have carried out. Please contact us in writing - if possible by e-mail - and we will process this as quickly as possible. In any case, we will inform you in writing of our decision and also tell you to which authority you can lodge your complaint or appeal if you are not satisfied with our decision.
We would like to point out that you can submit an appeal within 14 days of the inspection or decision.
Our management is committed to impartiality and independence, ensuring that all employees perform their jobs to high standards and comply with current laws in an impartial and trustworthy manner.
The Impartiality Committee works to ensure that the whole business is conducted impartially.