We are happy to make these online tools available to you as our customer or partner so that you can simplify your work.
You can also order our farm boards, certificates or self-adhesive labels for product claims here.

EASY-CERT customer portal and certificate search
Online tool for our customers
- Certificate search and label query
- Make sure your products are compliant
- Enter your company details personally and manage them online

The trademark of Austria Bio Garantie - Landwirtschaft GmbH for the product labeling AT-BIO-302
Logos in downloadable formats

Applications for plant propagating material
Application for the use of conventional, unpollinated/untreated plant propagating material (seed, seed potatoes and vegetative propagating material)

The mobile service tool for calculating the marketing status of your arable crops, as well as the waiting times and conversion times in animal livestock farming. Free download from the Google Play Store.

Organic conversion calculator for cattle
Determine the conversion time of your cattle online - with just a few clicks

Order here:
- Adhesive labels (ABG LW/EU organic logo)
- Farm tables
- Organic Certificates

EASY-CERT customer portal and certificate search
Online tool for our customers
- Certificate search and label query
- Make sure your products are compliant
- Enter your company details personally and manage them online

EASY-CERT customer portal and certificate search
Online tool for our customers
- Certificate search and label query
- Make sure your products are compliant
- Enter your company details personally and manage them online

The trademark of Austria Bio Garantie GmbH for the product labeling AT-BIO-301
Logos in downloadable formats

Web operation notification in supplier management
For projects according to the agreement with agroVet or organic control bodies in the EASY-CERT Austria platform with the head companies
Registrations, change notifications and cancellations for supplier management are controlled via a web form. This ensures that the suppliers in supplier management are always up to date.

Accompanying certificates
- Accompanying Product Certificates for individual deliveries
- in addition to the valid organic certificate

Orders in the organic sector
Order here:
- Organic certificates
- Adhesive labels (ABG/EU organic logo)
- Certification table and gastro table