We offer customer-oriented services (inspections and certifications) according to various quality standards and regulations in the areas of agriculture, processing, trade and import.
Choose your area and get an overview of our range of available services.
Step by step to the certificate
You register your interest -
Click on the desired area and fill out the form
We will contact you promptly
by phone or email
You register with us
Sign and send in the inspection contract
We check you on site
certify your products and issue the certificate
We are ISO 17065 accredited inspection and certification bodies. The entire activity is monitored by external accreditation bodies and the authorities or label issuers responsible for the respective standards/guidelines.
Admission of new businesses
New companies register with us for the desired services.
On-site control
We send the documents to be filled out to our customers before the inspection. During the inspection, our inspectors create the inspection report, in which the observations, the necessary measures and improvements are documented. At the end of the inspection, the results are discussed and any measures are summarized and scheduled. The inspection report is then signed by both parties and forwarded to the respective certification body.
The certification body checks the inspection report and all attached documents (documents and information) using the 4-eyes principle. If the operation and the products comply with the regulations, the certificate is issued and the certification process is completed.