Austrian producers of fruit, vegetables or ware potatoes have the opportunity to apply for the AMAG.A.P. to certify guidelines.
Compliance with the AMAG.A.P. Guidelines are checked at farmer level and as part of the AMA seal of approval program "Fruit, Vegetables, Potatoes" across all levels from farm to food retail.
This standard is certified by the International Quality Assurance Program GLOBALG.A.P. fully recognized.
When certifying according to AMAG.A.P. the producers are involved in the residue monitoring of AMA Marketing. No product analyzes have to be carried out by the producer himself. The costs for the producer are therefore lower. In addition, all necessary recording forms, risk analyses, leaflets and notices are made available by AMA Marketing GesmbH.
Website AMA Marketing GesmbHContact person
Agriculture agroVet
+43 (0) 2262/672212>
Agriculture agroVet
+43 (0) 2262/672214>