Biokreis companies work according to guidelines that go far beyond the EU organic standards. The food contains fewer additives and mostly comes from artisanal processing. The added value stays in the region, creating jobs and identity. In addition to organic farming, social interaction with people is a fundamental concern.
Customer benefitThe strict guidelines of the Biokreis association promise the highest quality and transparency. High-quality nutrition, regionality and active participation in the organic sector are the top priorities. All Biokreis members are checked at least once a year for compliance with the guideline.
GuidelinesThe value of the organic products is guaranteed by the organic circle guideline. They ensure high and verifiable organic standards for agricultural production, animal livestock farming and processing.
Website GuidelinesContact person

Organic Agriculture Enzersfeld
+43 (0) 2262/672212>

+43 (0) 2262/672214>