Naturland is one of the largest international associations for organic farming. With 70,000 farmers, beekeepers, fish farmers and fishermen in 60 countries worldwide, Naturland is living proof that ecological, social and fair management can also be successful on an international level. In addition to agriculture and food production, Naturland is also involved in the areas of ecological forest use, textile production and cosmetics. Naturland fair trade standards offer another way of adding value. The Naturland fair certification is a one-step certification for organic, social and fair trade standards.
Customer benefitNaturland processors and farmers work according to the highest organic standards. The requirements for Naturland processors go beyond those of the German and Austrian organic seal. Social standards are an integral part of the Naturland certification and thus increase the chances of market access. The Naturland certification standards range from organic plant and animal production, aquaculture, sustainable fishing and processing to non-food areas such as forestry, cosmetics and textiles.
GuidelinesThe Naturland standards existed long before the first EU regulations on organic farming came into force and also cover areas that do not yet come under the EC Organic Regulation.
Website GuidelinesContact person

Organic Agriculture Enzersfeld
+43 (0) 2262/672212>

+43 (0) 2262/672213>