"Fair zum Tier" standard

Animal foods that are labeled with the “Fair zum Tier” seal are produced under higher animal welfare standards. The requirements for animal husbandry go beyond the legal requirements. The animals are provided with more space, species-appropriate employment practices and GMO-free feed. These requirements are regularly checked by independent inspection bodies.

Customer benefits

Where possible, the inspections are carried out in combination with other programs. Fair zum Tier supports regional agriculture, as it is based on a well-known seal of quality.


The guidelines are decided by an advisory board of experts from the fields of animal welfare, animal husbandry, agriculture and veterinary medicine. There are detailed production regulations for dairy cows, fattening cattle, fattening pigs, broilers, turkeys, laying hens and their brothers (roosters).



Contact person

Eva BeyerlEva Beyerl

Agriculture agroVet
+43 (0) 2262/672214