Nachhaltig Austria
Sustainable viticulture is based on 3 pillars: Ecology, economy and social affairs.
At first glance, the seal of quality "Zertifiziert Nachhaltig Austria" signals a sense of responsibility towards nature with regard to the production of wine.
Together with experts from different sectors, the Austrian Winegrowers' Association started this project a few years ago and developed a well thought-out certification system to evaluate the effects on nature and the environment.
Every Austrian company that deals with wine - whether grape production, winery, wine trade, winegrowers' cooperative etc. - has the opportunity to enter their data as an online self-test in the tool Nachhaltig Austria to see how sustainable the management is.
A control contract can be concluded with agroVet in order to make the services of the companies visible to customers and consumers. The data entered is checked during an on-site inspection and corrected if necessary, after which certification takes place. After a positive result has been obtained, a certificate is issued and the company may use the logo Nachhaltig AUSTRIA on products and on other levels (homepage, etc.). This means that customers, consumers and interested parties can see the responsible use of resources at first glance (also affordable for small businesses).
Sustainability is an important issue for farmers and consumers. The benefit for our customers lies in the competitive edge and image enhancement through positioning as a winemaker with ethical values.
Grape production: Use of machines, leaf wall and grape management, water use, nutrient supply, plant protection, promotion of biodiversity
Vinification: Life cycle assessment and CO2 emissions, energy use, cellar management, waste water, waste and operational management
New vineyard planting: Terroir, soil and erosion protection, seedlings, wire frame training, clearing, soil healing and soil preparation, planting and care, promoting biodiversity
Social aspects: fair wages, social security, qualification and further training, promotion of the working atmosphere, integration, occupational safety;
Economy: Sustainable management, promotion of regionality, economic sustainability
Contact person

Organic Agriculture Enzersfeld
+43 (0) 2262/672212>