Organic meadow milk
“Milk that is good for everyone.” That is the idea behind Bio Wiesenmilch. More enjoyment for consumers, more protection for the animals, more responsibility for the environment and society.
Customer benefitsSustainability: Cattle and humans benefit equally from grazing. It increases the well-being and health of the animals and creates a more diverse cultural landscape; this supports biodiversity and is an idyll for us humans.
Species protection: Organic meadow milk farmers manage their meadows and pastures with organic care. This creates space for life in particular diversity.
Energy efficiency: The dairy cow can most efficiently convert plant energy from the meadow into nutrients for humans.
A comprehensive system of measures and assessments has been developed for organic meadow milk. Special energy efficiency and climate protection, special animal and species protection are the designated goals of organic meadow milk production. The high standards of agricultural production are ensured by a special points system with 8 defined measures.
WebsiteContact person

Organic Agriculture Lebring
+43 (0) 3182/40101>